Friday, 30 September 2016

Be in a confident mood for the upcoming months

When there is life there is hope. I join voice with thousands of Nigerians to wish Nigeria a happy 56th birthday. In less than 24 hours Nigeria would not only be celebrating its 56th independent but we would also be ushering in a new month. I have sat down for a while and thought of what is best to start a new month with. Finally I came up with a lovely deal. Click on Read more to view the full details below

I shall be discussing about a particular topic that most people don't have an idea about, I would be discussing about Confidence. Let's get started with the word "CONFIDENCE"

CONFIDENCE is simply the Expression or feeling of certainty.

Many people would feel rejected when turn down by the crowd but today I need to change that mindset. Let's be realistic to ourselves. When you have got confidence there is no limit to what you can achieve.

But there is more to confidence than the Expression of certainty. I know most of us are already curious right now to find out what is more to confidence that we don't know. Just digest this quote before we move on

Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances

Confidence…what is confidence? How do you define confidence in your own words and mind without looking up its definition in a dictionary?
I ‘d say it is one’s ability to say SHUT UP to your inner voice that communicates doubts and fears to us. It is being able to free-style anything, and thus make it one’s own.
I really want to paint with “confidence”. Give the immensely subjective nature of art, it is quite interesting to ponder about confidence in an artistic sense.
Words are so powerful, as we speak we put thoughts and emotions into letters making words a real being. How can one express “confidence” without speaking or rather uttering words?
I guess one way is again through one’s actions. Don’t one’s actions speak louder than words? Hence, it would be interesting and dare I say powerful to paint emotions like love, hate, sadness, joy, and loneliness.

I ain't gonna talk much on this topic for now because I understand that many people would be busy especially here on Nigeria where people wanna celebrate the 56th years of Nigeria independent. That's all from me for now. Till we see again God bless you all.

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