Saturday, 24 September 2016

Secret to unlocking your academic glory

THIS article would be committed to tackling the negative mindset of most students towards their academics. “Is it not your classmate that is getting first position, what happen to you?” Your mates are receiving best in mathematics,english language science but you are always taking the most punctual student award. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this sentiment from misunderstanding parents.

The child that always go home with the top academics award is no better than the child that goes home with the most punctual student award. They are both student but there is only one thing that separates them : their mental attitude towards work.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. This means that the student that is receiving award for academics excellence always maintain A POSITIVE MINDSET OF "1 CAN" while the student that goes for the less awards has A NEGATIVE MINDSET OF "I CAN'T".
  Having come across people with negative mindset towards their academics coupled with my own academics challenge I faced during my later spell in secondary school I decided to come out with an article that would address this issue of ACADEMIC INEQUALITY.
  I would list out some steps here that I feel would be beneficial to any student that is finding it difficult to cross the academic ocean due to the fact that he/she does not have the courage to lose sight of the shore( NEGATIVE MINDSET).

Below is the recommended steps to follow to achieve success in your academics

As a student, it is essential to make your studies your first and most business, not partying with friends or others distractions. It is very important that your entire focus be on your studies; avoid distractions, especially in class during lectures.

"Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do".

   The very fact that you are blessed to be in school to receive a proper education while many of your age mates are roaming the streets, living under the bridge or begging on the roadside should be a source of motivation for you to take your studies seriously. You should always know that you, as an educated person, would turn out to be better than somebody who is not learned. So my advice to any student that is reading this article is "RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK" in your academic duties.
   Make friends with academically good students in your school or institution. Try becoming friends with your books as well as students who perform well in tests and exams. Some of them who are in higher classes would also make useful companions as they will help you with old lecture notes and past questions.

"You shall pass through this life but once. Any good therefore that you can do, or any kindness you can show, do it now. Do not defer or neglect it. For you shall never pass this way again. Remember LIFE HAS NO PART TWO".

  This is where the workload lies. My advice for students mapping out a study time table is for them to find give themselves a perfect timetable. Never read when you are not in the right frame of mind you would only end up achieving nothing. Fix your timetable to meet your own need not to please somebody. A timetable is like a study guide that leads you to the path of academic success, but you must follow it through, never leave it halfway. In my own study schedule like I do call it I slot in the courses/subjects that I know would be treated the following day in school for that day; this enable me to read ahead of the lecture. It helps in increasing ones understanding and assimilation of a particular subject.

"Obstacles is what you see when you take your eyes off your goal"

  At home, study and do your assignments in a place that doesn't make you sleep. I strongly recommend that you get a table or desk dedicated for studies. Don't make it an habit of doing your assignments on the bed or in front of the TV as manner of some are. If you feel distracted, take a short break of 15 minutes or less engaging yourself with miscellaneous books like a novel, inspirational write up or whatever book that is outside your field of study. But don't stick to the book once the time elapses.

"Your life is your message to the world. Make it inspiring"

  Try getting a good sleep. Remember the old saying that goes thus: "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy". Your brain need a little time away from books but don't overplay. You are supposed to get 8-10 hours of sleep per day. If you don't get enough sleep, that will result in sleepy studying and nothing would get inside your head. My advice for any student is "NEVER CHEAT NATURE". When you feel the call of nature please don't ignore.

"The future only belongs to you if you believe in the beauty of your dreams".

  Don't study or read under dim light. If you become bored on learning one subject, study something else that interests you a lot. You must always find alternatives as you go. Studying all night and not playing just stresses you on work and you might forget everything the next morning. My own formula is I play games in between, that way I find more fun in reading. I would advise that you could play out for about 2 hours or so depending on what suits you most. It will also be a cool idea to hang around with friends during the cool of the evening taking 5pm as a case study. This energizes  and gives you extra strength for everything  do.

You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"

In conclusion I would like to say this: When you want to embark on this procedures or guidelines that I listed I would recommend that you have a mentor that would act as a guide. All you need do is find a right person tell him/her what you want discuss your academics with him/her. Share your experience with him/her. Plan things together and above all INCLUDE GOD. Thanks for now. Just stay with this and I would get back to you all. GRACIAS.

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